The AVL Workspace embedded interface automates the creation of an engineering workflow that contains any AVL Workspace tool (AVL BOOST, AVL EXCITE, AVL FIRE, ...). Rather than defining manually substitution and extraction rules of design variables and output results, the user sets up parameterization of the simulation model within the AVL Workspace Software and defines design outputs in the AVL Workspace Impress Chart.
Thanks to the tight integration of Optimus with AVL Workspace, engineers setting up a model in AVL Workspace are able to generate an Optimus project right away. Through the design and variation interface (DVI), the corresponding Optimus simulation workflow is generated automatically. Design of Experiments (DOE), Response Surface Modeling (RSM) and Numerical Optimization can then be executed directly from Optimus. Optimus will automatically modify the AVL Workspace design parameters, generate and update the underlying files and extract the result outputs (scalar and vectors).
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