Engineering workflow automation enables engineering teams to set up and run engineering simulation campaigns in a structured way. Engineering simulation workflows generally link up a series of both commercial and in-house developed applications, formalizing simulation best practices into a well-documented and repeatable process.
Our workflow engine leverages parametric modeling technologies to enable automated workflow execution - including management and transfer of all files involved in the process – an absolute prerequisite to enable Design Space Exploration approaches that involve Design of Experiments and Engineering Optimization technologies.
Engineering workflow automation can easily be implemented for processes of varying complexity. Engineering teams already benefit from an approach that captures typical ‘single simulation processes’. Whether they are dealing with stress analysis, 1D system simulation, computational fluid dynamics or any other type of engineering analysis, using commercially available or in-house developed software, they benefit from an approach that entirely removes the need to manually update engineering models in search of a better product design.
As a next step, they can extend the use of single-application workflows to processes that involve a sequence of software programs – from geometry modeling, over meshing, up to physics simulation. Adding multiple physics simulation programs in parallel branches enables them to address multidisciplinary engineering challenges with unprecedented power and flexibility. And finally, our engineering workflow automation allows them to automate even the most complex type of processes – containing several branches and conditional loops.
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