Simulation workflows are migrating more and more to the Cloud and the current sanitary context will surely increase this rate. Advantages are numerous such as computational power flexibility and up to date hardware, but the need for a proper orchestration tool is still required as the number of simulations increases.
Noesis Solutions teamed up with Oracle in order to present how easily Optimus can be integrated on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). This webinar will show how a user of OCI can configure Optimus efficiently in order to spread computations on the Bare Metal instances of OCI. Thanks to Optimus Parallel Service (OPS), the light parallel queuing system of Optimus, this is a matter of minutes to configure your cluster and truly enjoy the power of Bare Metal to run your optimization on all the cores available.
In this webinar, we demonstrate the tight coupling between Optimus and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure by running a foam injection analysis for the design of a steering wheel. The time-consuming analyses are distributed on the Linux Bare Metal instances by OPS and results are brought back under a Windows instance for post-processing purposes. No interaction is needed from the user until all computations are done. All results can then be analysed in Optimus thanks to the powerful post-processing capabilities.
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