Engineering simulation typically is a deterministic process. For a given set of design parameters, simulation always delivers the same results. In the real world, however, design parameters are subject to variability as a result of manufacturing tolerances or fluctuation of environmental loads - for example. Hence, simulation results should be considered as distributed around a mean value.
The Optimus PHIMECA Reliability module assesses the probability of failure for any given design, taking design parameter variability into account. This kind of analysis builds upon existing engineering workflows that have been captured and automated using Optimus. It adds statistical dispersion to the design variables and evaluates the probability of failure using either the FORM method or the Subset Sampling method.
Reliability analysis is critical across a wide range of industries, aerospace and energy being just two of many examples. Using the Optimus PHIMECA Reliability module, engineers can go far beyond a reliability analysis assessing the probability of failure.
Starting from a given probability of failure, they can also run an optimization analysis to identify deterministic design parameter values that minimize risks with a new design. Using the inverse Subset Sampling method, they can even calculate the performance of a design for a specific reliability target. Thanks to Optimus’ fine-grained parallelization capabilities, this resource-demanding process can be run with a minimal computational footprint.
to learn how you can easily combine Optimus' multidisciplinary engineering workflow automation with the Optimus PHIMECA Reliability module to solve reliability problems, either estimating or minimizing probability of failure for a new product design. We'll be covering the topics below.
PHIMECA Engineering was founded in 2001 by a team of internationally reputed engineers and scientists from the French Institute for Advanced Mechanics, with a mission to focus on uncertainty analysis in mechanical simulation. Over the years, PHIMECA Engineering has further developed its expertise to offer a complete set of solutions in the areas of numerical simulation and reliability & uncertainty analysis in engineering.
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