A passing route aero map is typically used as a starting point for physical testing to determine when/where along the passing route both involved vehicle bodies experience highest and lowest lift and drag. To build an aero map with sufficiently high resolution, Optimus is used to minimize aero map creation time by eliminating the need for any for user intervention during the simulation process.
Using Optimus' graphical user interface, engineers can easily capture and automate the vehicle passing simulation workflow including FreeCAD model creation and OpenFOAM solving. Delivering a repeatable simulation process, Optimus eliminates repetitive administration tasks related to model preparation, job submission,... and helps the engineer focus on building deeper insights.
Using Design of Experiments (DOE) techniques, Optimus screens the physical space for which the aero map needs to be built - minimizing elapsed time thanks to parallel execution of the simulation process. Using cross-validation techniques, Optimus then builds the best Response Surface Model (RSM) from the set of DOE experiments.
Connecting this aero map to (X,Y) positions of passing routes allows to identify the optimal vehicle passing route. Running the analysis directlly on the aero map makes the optimization process highly efficient.
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