An Optimus-coordinated engineering process driving Ricardo WAVE quickly identified muffler candidate designs that best the engineering objectives. Products offering ultimate performance are sometimes not robust and reliable to slightly altered manufacturing tolerances and operating conditions. Engineers therefor used Optimums to trace a robust and reliable optimum that is less sensitive to these variations and more comfortably complies with the design constraints.
Engine simulation software, such as Ricardo WAVE, allows to calculate the acoustic performance of a reverse-flow muffler based on input data manually provided by design engineers. Adding Optimus to the process enables engineers to easily capture the engineering workflow and to automate its execution as part of a design space exploration approach.
The goal being to minimize maximum sound pressure level at the backside of the vehicle while limiting the muffler backpressure, exploration of the design space was started by running a Design of Experiments to improve the understanding of the complex design space topology. Surrogate modeling techniques combined with intuitive post-processing then allowed the engineering team to identify a muffler design configuration that combines premium acoustic performance with high robustness to slightly altered manufacturing tolerances and operating conditions.
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