This application note covers in detail how Optimus can be used with SimulationX systems simulation to optimize an automatic gearbox for improved performance while reducing fuel consumption. Whereas the systems simulation software is typically used to predict performance for a given design, this does not allow to easily explore different alternative design configurations. That's exactly where Optimus comes in, driving SimulationX in an automated way to quickly explore the entire design space.
The case model discussed in this application note is a 6-speed automatic transmission. The ultimate goal is to find, for a given speed cycle, the best up- and downshift points in order to respect a target velocity curve while minimizing the fuel consumption of the car. Shifting gears too early may prevent the driver from respecting the desired speed, while shifting too late may lead to excessive fuel consumption.
Optimus offers the unique capability to automate the engineering process by formalizing the workflow that includes SimulationX. Acting as a ‘simulation robot’, Optimus takes the necessary steps to parameterize the SimulationX model and automate the required design variable substitutions within the defined design parameter ranges. Design of Experiments (DOE) methods define a minimum set of well-chosen virtual experiments to sample the design space most effectively, while the simulation robot automates the execution of this experiment set. By post-processing the DOE results, SimulationX engineers easily discover the relative importance of the design parameters and constraints - all of this in preparation of a multi-objective optimization to identify the optimum design parameter values that deliver benchmark performance, regardless of product complexity.
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