Critical safety requirements stipulate that buckling eigenvalues of a fuselage crossbeam need to remain above a safety threshold - irrespective of crossbeam manufacturing tolerances. Engineers used Optimus to minimize the weight of a perforated Airbus fuselage crossbeam while taking into the account the impact of manufacturing tolerances.
Optimus easily captures and successfully automates MSC Nastran buckling simulations, delivering a repeatable simulation process. It frees the engineer from repetitive administration tasks, and delivers the information that is needed to gain deeper engineering insights.
Using Optimus powerful optimization algorithms, engineers can quickly identify an optimum design that minimizes mass on the one hand but which respects design constraints imposed by critical safety requirements on the other hand. An a posteriori reliability assessment of this optimum design allows to quantify the impact of manufacturing tolerances in order to verify whether required 3-sigma reliability levels can be achieved.
Introducting the design reliability index into the optimization process, Optimus' Reliability-Based Design Optimization (RBDO) capabilities not only provide improved design performance, but also a higher degree of confidence in the design - in this particular case confirming a 99.9% reliability with respect to the safety constraints.
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